Friday, May 18, 2012

May 9, 2012~ 3 Week Transformation

It has been three weeks since beginning my transformation with DASH. I am down 6 pounds as of last Friday! That is 2 pounds each week so far! I am thrilled! I am down to 313.4. I still have a long ways to go, and I feel like after each workout and each time I eat Brussels sprouts and tilapia I should be down at least 10 pounds. Right? This last week has been my most difficult. The emotional tie I have to food is overwhelming and embarrassing. With every emotion there is the craving for food. If the emotion is negative the desire is that much stronger, and without moderation. It is like trying to fill a bottomless pit.

I went out to celebrate with my sister-in-law for her birthday Friday night. We went to a Mexican restaurant. I knew where we were going and tried to plan ahead. I knew I would order the fajitas instead of a chimichanga. I would only eat 16 chips and salsa. Well, I ordered my fajitas, didn’t eat the tortillas, ate my 16 chips, and the rice and beans, and the rice pudding. 1800 calories later I am feeling regret, embarrassment, shame, etc. I came to a realization Friday night . . . I used to eat meals like this all of the time. I used to ignore my consumption, and I used to pretend like nobody else noticed. Like this was normal behavior. I laugh a little when I think about how much I try to hide the things that have led me to my current weight, and yet my current weight speaks for itself.

This week I am preparing for my twins’ fifth birthday parties, am spending more time at work, and have already missed two exercise classes. Stress is a reality. Stress is another trigger to my eating. So far I am hanging in there with my intake, but I can literally track my emotions by my food diary. I am nervous for Friday’s weigh in, but no matter what I will push forward! NEVER GIVE UP! (Positive self-talk.)

If I can do it . . . you can do it!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Kim's incredible Journey begins...

In introducing myself, I feel that I should begin by explaining that I believe that we are only victims by choice. That is not to say that many of us, if not all of us, have been victimized at some point in our lives.
My name is Kim. I am a 316-pound, thirty-six-ish-year-old mother, stepmother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and Paralegal. I was born and raised here in Salt Lake City and graduated from Olympus High School. 

I cannot think of a time when I did not feel that I was overweight and unattractive, with the exception of my early childhood.  This is not something I spent much time dwelling on growing up.  I was too busy enjoying friends, and life.  I began to embrace, early on, being the girl with a good personality.  I felt it suited me, and still does. I love to have a good time, and if I could publicly ignore my weight, maybe others would, too.  Was I destined to be this 316-pound woman? I guess it’s possible. Is this something I was “blessed” with because God knew I could handle it? That could be possible, too. Mostly, I am 316 pounds because of the choices I have made. As many of us know, addiction is usually a symptom of a much deeper issue or issues.  Food, my friends, is my addiction.  

I grew up in a two-parent home, with three siblings.  We were taught acceptance and the importance of diversity at a young age.  My parents were foster parents for adolescent boys, and from as early as I can remember until I was in seventh or eighth grade we had anywhere from one to two fostered children in our home. I learned through my parents’ example the importance of service and unconditional love.  Unfortunately, there was also a down side to having these boys in our home.  At the age of three or four I was molested by one of my foster brothers.

I have never felt that my sexual abuse defined my choices or who I was.  In fact I rarely think about, and rarely thought about it growing up, but I can’t deny it happened or that it does not contribute to my emotional baggage. 

The rest of my childhood was fairly uneventful.  I enjoyed school and enjoyed being involved in school activities and sports.  My senior year in high school I had my first boyfriend, and my first kiss. He was my best friend and we were inseparable until he left to serve an LDS mission in 1996.  We wrote the entire time.  When he left for his mission I weighed in at about 260 pounds.  I had gained about 75 pounds since graduating high school in 1995.  After he left I discovered Phen-Fen.  I lost approximately 60 pounds.  I looked and felt great upon his return in 1997.  We were engaged three months later, and married three months after our engagement.  It was a happy life for me.  I was married to my best friend.  He finished up his degree at Westminster, and began working for a wireless company where he did very well.  He is a hard worker and worked his way up pretty quick. 

We were given the opportunity to move to Eugene, Oregon, and were thrilled.  In the meantime I had an ectopic pregnancy that nearly took my life.  It was random and we kept moving forward.  I struggled to get pregnant after that, but we found hope in a reproductive endocrinologist who was able to pinpoint the problem and felt that with medication we would be likely to conceive.  Eighteen months later we moved from Eugene, Oregon to Spokane Valley, Washington.  We continue to fall in love with the Northwest.  I continued working with a specialist in Spokane, and after one more miscarriage we were pregnant with twins! We were beyond thrilled.  We had been married eight years.  In Spokane, I began working out with a trainer and really being accountable for what I ate.  I dropped from 340 pounds to 275 pounds in the 2-½ years we had been out of Utah.  I continued exercising until the doctor told me it was time to take it easy.  My water broke at 29 weeks and the Twins were born at 2lb 10oz, and 3lb 1oz.  They spent seven weeks in the NICU, where I spent my days and evenings. Their strength was unbelievable.  They have thrived and are as healthy as can be.  The month after the Twins came home we moved to Denver, CO, with a two-month layover in Utah while our dream home was being completed.  We officially moved into our Castle Rock, CO home in October of 2007, six months after the twins’ birth.  I slowly dropped some of the baby weight and was doing fairly well. 

In March of 2008, my husband of ten years, and love of my life for fifteen years told me he was gay.  The feelings are inexplicable, still.  The feelings of sadness for him and the struggles he must have been dealing with for so many years, trying to do what he felt he was supposed to do just broke my heart.  I was faced with true fear and sadness for the first time in my life. I had so many questions and spent hours reeling through my memories of some kind of red flag or something I must have missed.  I came up with very little.  It took two weeks for me to figure out what this might mean, and to discover his boyfriend.  Let me tell you something, being cheated on was more devastating to me than discovering his homosexuality.  This was the most traumatic thing that had ever happened in my life.  I packed up my life, with the help of my babies’ physical therapist.  As soon as the moving van left, I hugged him goodbye, loaded the kids in the car, and drove to the Denver airport where I picked up my dad.  He brought us home.  I don’t recall shedding one tear on that long drive until we drove down 3300 South and stopped at Dan’s for some baby formula.  I walked in and there was a table of LDS books for sale at the grocery store.  I lost it.  For some reason I realized at that moment I was back in Salt Lake and had no idea what was going to happen. 

In August of 2008 I went back to school and graduated with my BS in Psychology.  We barely made it through the divorce process without strangling each other.  I found a love and frustration with the law and divorce.  I wanted to be able to help others through the difficult process of divorce.  I began studying for the LSAT and applied to law schools all over the country. I got in! Not in Utah, but I got in! I was thrilled.  I had chosen a law school in Naples, FL.  I accepted their offer and paid my seat deposit.  About that time I reconnected with an old friend from junior high who had also gone through a recent divorce.  We began dating and I began feeling less and less comfortable with my decision to move us to Florida.  I decided to stay, not knowing what the future would hold for my career.  I was recently married to my old junior high friend, and am now a step-mom to his three children.  Life is a challenge everyday, but I love the idea that it is not what happens, but how we handle it.  It seems odd that I have been able to really focus on how I respond to adversity, but in that time I have gained 75 pounds.  I guess I have reason, but I have better reason to take control and really make this work for me.  When your five-year-old children are beginning to be more concerned about your weight and health than you are, it is time for a change.  I’ll be honest I’m really scared.  I am afraid of failing, and afraid of letting go.  This blanket (and pillows) of fat has sadly been comfortable for me.  Food has been my safe place. I am ready for change. I have a wonderful support system in my family and now in DASH. Here we go . . .

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week 3 Results....

Top Contenders after 3 weeks!!!

Annette Prickett 5.56%

Dan Barrett 4.84%

Amy Gardner 4.79%

Susan Peterson 3.79%

Melissa Reily 3.66%

Chloee Drews 3.03%

Emily SNow 2.96%

Tami Visser 2.72%

Maris Scott 2.28%

Mary Bilijanic 2.05%

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Obsidian 6 Week Super Challenge......

We are just starting our 3rd week of the Obsidian Challenge! We have had some great percentages of weight loss in only 2 weeks! Keep up the good work!!!

Weigh-Ins for the 2nd week....

Top Contenders so far!

Annette Prickett 5.13%

Amy Gardner 3.59%

Dan Barrett 3.23%

Susan Peterson 3.15%

Emily Snow 2.96%

Jade Nygren 2.13%

Mary Bilijanic 2.13%

Micaela Webb 1.85%

Maris Scott 1.52%

Tessa Ryser 1.38%

Chloee Drews 1.35%

Meggan Smith 1.26%

Marianne VanWagoner 1.07%

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Get the SKINNY at DASH this summer!

The 60 Day Dash at the start of this year was such a huge success, and we have had so many requests for more, that we are offering a summer program to help you get that swimsuit body and keep it!

This program will run June 4th-August 31st.

The fee for Members is $25 and $100 for Non-Members.

This time, no teams, just individuals sweating to the finish! We will award one Grand Prize!! Non-Members will have full access to our classes and can get member pricing on Obsidian Classes and Nutrition Guidance! Space is limited so join now!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Start 2011 with a 60 day DASH to a better YOU.....

The 60 Day DASH starts January 10th and ends March 10th. You can register starting NOW for the 60 day DASH up until the end of the day on January 10th. You can register by calling the studio at (801) 486-1122, emailing us at, or coming into the studio (2005 E. 2700 S.) during our hours of operation which is any scheduled class time.

Buy In: Members $20.11 Non Members $75.00 (this gives you full member access)

Non Members can join as a 1 or 2 year member of DASH and get the first month FREE (save $30-45). Initiation Fee is only $1.11 (save $98) Your first 30 days is a risk free trial!!!

This weight loss competition will be based on a points system. The contestant with the most points at the end of the 60 day DASH will be the 1st place winner! There will be a second and third place winner that is also based on the 2 and 3rd highest amount of points earned. In the case of a tie the person with the highest percentage of weight loss will take the top spot. We will have 1 initial weigh in at the start of the competition and only one other final weigh in that must be done by March 10th. Again this is only for the purpose of a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.

1st place will be given a GRAND cash prize

2nd place and 3rd place will be given cash prizes and gifts

Each contestant will be given a DASH card to track their points once they have paid the buy in fee.

The DASH card will have weekly requirements. If the requirements are met they will receive a stamp for each task completed. There will be bonus points offered through out the contest. Bonus points can be earned from team challenges that will be performed every 3 weeks (each person on the winning team will earn an extra 2 points for that challenge). Referring a friend that joins DASH will also be a way to earn extra points. Adding nutrition guidance and committing for the 60 days will be an additional way to earn points. DASH card requirements consist of....

a DASH of Power (Obsidian)


a DASH of Energy (BODYSTEP)

a DASH of Strong (BODYPUMP)

a DASH of Pretty (BODYVIVE, Yoga, Mind-Body Barre)

a DASH of Fun (Zumba)

All contestants that enter the 60 day DASH will be divided into 4 teams. You will be given a colored bracelet to represent the team that you are on.

Determination= Black




Each team will be led by a DASH instructor that will help guide you and keep you committed for the full 60 days! This is a great way to kick off 2011 and making it the best year yet!

The journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise states that individuals are more likely to lose weight and keep it off if they exercise (a combination of strength training and cardio) for at least 250 minutes per week. We will help you get all 250 minutes in and more each week!

Everyone deserves to start 2011 with a DASH of health and happiness!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A little over 2 weeks to go of the Holiday Obsidian challenge! While most people gain through these winter holidays the people below have LOSING weight! Anything could happen in 2 weeks! Stay committed! You have almost survived the challenge!!! We are posting everyone that has a chance in contending since we seen amazing things happen the last 2 weeks of previous challenges...
Weight loss percentage to date:

Amanda Locke 3.0%
Brie Barrett 6.7%
Catherine Sterling 4.4%
Coco Peterson 3.0%
Daniel Morath 8.0%
Eric Morgan 3.3%
Heather Kelly 10.5%
Jade Nygren 3.3%
Jen Parrish 4.4%
Julie Pos 6.9%
Katie Barnard 4.5%
Lane Nygren 4.2%
Lena Gibb 4.7%
Mariann VanWagoner 8.3%
Melissa Reily 5.1%
Nicole Handy 3.5%
Robb Dengg 2.9%
Steve Parrish 2.6%
Susan Astle 7.9%
Taylor Smith 3.1%
Any ones win with the holidays in full swing!!!

Holiday Schedule
Christmas Eve
8 am Obsidian with Pat ( level I & II) reservation required
8am 90 minute BODYCOMBAT
CLOSED Christmas Day
New Year's Eve
7am Obsidian (reservation required)
New Year's Day
8am Obsidian w/ Erin & Lacey (reservation required)
10am ZUMBA