Sunday, January 17, 2010

As one challenge ends another begins!!!

Our first Obsidian has challenge has come to an end. It was s huge success! So many people got amazing results in just 12 weeks! The total weight loss of the challenge was over 200 lbs and even people shed even more in inches! We are so proud of everyone that worked really hard. This was not an easy challenge since it took place mainly over all the holidays starting with Halloween!The top 6 contestants were so close in both losing inches and weight! 1st and second place winners were based on their average weight loss percentage and 3rd place went to the most inches lost! The winners:
1st place Lucy Borg lost: 19.5lbs
Before:12 Weeks after the Obsidian Challenge
2nd place Christina Youngberg lost: 22.5lbs

3rd place Becky Olson lost 22.5 inches

We also wanted to acknowledge the extremely hard work and dedication that these people gave
Doreen Braun who lost 19.5 inches

Nicole who lost 16.5 lbs

Before:Zac Miner who lost 28.5 lbs

Our 2nd Obsidian Challenge started this week! The Contestants are:
Angie Detmer
Annette Prickett
Ashley Griggs
Becky Olson
Brooke Curtis
Christina Youngberg
Debbie Stratton
Grace Rock
Jamie Harker
Jenni Lopez
Jennifer Musial
Jill Swenson
Jill Vanleewen
Joanna Ewthington
Jolynne Snelgrove
Joni Hemond
Joy Corpus
Kara Cody
Karen Hoggan
Karin Cook
Karlee Adams
Krisa Stewart
Kylee Snelgrove
Leslie Larsen
Lizeth Kent
Maegan Webber
Morgann Mckenna
Morgann Kesler
Nicole Handy
Patrick Roeder
Robyn Pugmire
Sara Green
Tanira Goins
Tara Tolbert
Tess McClure
Timmie Kent
Toni Polich
Kathy Chase
Joy Corpus
Jenni Lopez
Nicole Handy
Joni Hemond
Joanna Ethington
Lizeth kent
Cathy Gelwix
Angela Bowels
Wish them all luck as the challenge begins!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One Week To Go.......

We are down to the wire!!!! 1 week to go before the Obsidian Challenge comes to an end! Make sure you eat clean and get your Obsidian workouts in!!! Here are the weight loss stats for all the contestants to date.....

Annie Burbidge 5.05%
Kate Van Wagner 6.7%
Dorren Braun 4.78%
Nalissa Dunford 1.1%
Becky Olson 8.5%
Christina Youngberg 10%
Jolynn Snelgrove 3.59%
Nicole Handy 10%
Heidi Hackett 1.3%
Maegan Webber 4%
Brecken Chapman 4.14%
Jennifer Musial 2.27%
Laura Bruschke 1.8%
Kristi Hale 4.7%
Lucy Borg 10.7%
Zac Miner 8.2%
Joanna Ethington 5.35%
Jade Silva 4.47%
A lot of you have surpassed your personal weight loss goals. So many of you have done an AMAZING job. Hang in there everyone! You are almost to the goal line!

Monday, January 4, 2010


"According to a study at Colorado State University, our daily sugar intake is 189 grams - about 47 teaspoons - hidden or not so hidden in cereals, sodas, cookies and other foods. Before the Industrial Revolution, daily sugar consumption was less than 15 grams." An eating plan that restricts sugar intake to 15 grams a day while allowing six servings of carbohydrates (about 120 grams) creates a balance which keeps the body's insulin levels low, which leads to a thinner waist. - Tim Talevich and Jorge Cruise.